Afin de travailler avec les artisans népalais et leurs compétences, j'ai conçu une série d'étoffes en laine lors de la crise des carburants et du gaz avec cette simple phrase «NO FUEL JUST WOOL» brodée dessus.
Le gouvernement vient de changer de leader et le pays se révolte en bloquant l'importation du gaz et du pétrol a la frontière. Le prix de l'essence augmente et il fait froid, c'est l'hiver. je découvre que la famille de Manish est propriétaire d'une fabrique de d'étoffes en laine.
je fais tisser une dizaine de châles ou est inscrite la phrase :
"no fuel just wool"
J'aurais du m'en douter, c'est de l'acrylique! La phrase est à lire dans les deux sens.
" Le Népal souffre aujourd’hui d’une pénurie majeure de fuel et de vivres en raison de plusieurs milliers de camions bloqués à la frontière entre l’Inde et le Népal, contenant des marchandises en provenance de l’Inde. La pénurie de fuel est tellement critique que le gouvernement népalais a mis en place un rationnement du fuel dans tout le pays le vendredi 25 septembre 2015. Le Népal est un pays enclavé aux frontières ouvertes avec l’Inde sur trois côtés et qui dépend des vivres en provenance d’Inde, notamment pour les produits alimentaires et le fuel.[…] "
The government has just changed his leader and the country is revolting by blocking import of gas and oil at the border. The price of gasoline goes up and it's cold, it's winter. I discover that the Manish family owns a woolen cloth factory.
I order a dozen of shawls woven where the sentence is written:
"no fuel just wool"
I sould have known, it is acrylic! The sentence can be read in both directions.
" The Nepalese government began rationing fuel in September after discord over a new constitution prompted ethnic minority political parties to impose a strike and block border crossings with India. With winter arriving and areas of the country still reeling from the earthquakes that struck in April and May, many families are worried about how they will stay warm."
" The 2015 Nepal blockade, which began on 23 September 2015, is an economic and humanitarian crisis which has severely affected Nepal and its economy.
The government of Nepal has accused India of imposing an undeclared blockade. India has denied the allegations, stating the supply shortages have been imposed by Madheshi protesters within Nepal, and that India has no role in it. However, despite Indian denials, minimal border entries even from border points that witnessed no agitation added to the allegations that it was indeed an India enforced border blockade.
As a landlocked nation, Nepal imports all of its petroleum supplies from India. Roughly 300 fuel trucks enter from India on a normal day, but this has dwindled to a sporadic passage of 5–10 fuel trucks daily since the start of the crisis, though shipments of perishables like fruits and vegetables have generally been allowed to pass.The blockade has choked imports of not only petroleum, but also medicines and earthquake relief material. "
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